Office Reopening

Office Reopening 5/19/2020

Instructions for your upcoming appointment

We are looking forward to seeing you at your upcoming appointment. A separate email or text message should have been sent to you with the time and date details of your appointment.

We are making changes in response to the current public health crisis to our check-in process. Listed below is what to expect:

· Pre-appointment screening questionnaire.
This form can be found by clicking the link.

· Please ensure you are wearing a mask prior to entering the office in compliance with the directive issued on May 11th by King County. Please do not remove your mask until you are advised to do so.
· Our office staff will meet you at the entrance and take your temperature using a touch-less forehead thermometer.

· Only those with an appointment will be permitted to enter the office. We must ask that anyone traveling with the patient wait in their car, with the exception of minors, and only under special circumstances, will we permit 1 person to accompany the patient into the office. Anyone accompanying a patient must notify us prior to the appointment and will need to complete all steps listed above prior to entering the office.

· A hand sanitizer station is set up in the lobby but you are encouraged to use soap and water in the bathroom to wash hands.
· A 1.5% hydrogen peroxide oral rinse will be provided to you in the operatory prior to treatment as recommended by the CDC.
· Scheduling future appointments and payments for service can be done by phone or in the operatory during your appointment.

We understand you may prefer to reschedule your appointment given the current public health crisis, please give us a call 2 business days before your scheduled appointment and we would be happy to assist you with this.

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we are taking to keep all of our patients and staff members safe while in our practice.

Thank you for being our patient and your continued understanding during these unprecedented times.

Patient Screening Form